In case you needed more reason to give the game a try, you can find 10 good ones here, and another 5 or so here from somebody who hasn’t even played yet.
So today, we’re going to attempt to help those folks get motivated and hopefully bring some new ones in along the way. With the fire hose of exquisite content for Shadow of the Demon Lord we’ve seen a lot of folks say “ I backed the KS and I still haven’t played, but I really want to!” or “ I really want to try it, but I have no idea where to jump in.” because of the sheer library of content already available for it. Since then, there has been a steady release of content (180+ items at the time of this writing) and there’s no end in sight. Schwalb ( Dungeons & Dragons 3e – 5e, A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, Warhammer Fantasy 2e, etc.) himself and was Kickstarted just over 3 years ago with great success. Shadow of the Demon Lord is the premiere release from Schwalb Entertainment, a company run by Robert J.
Dark Fantasy Where The End Is Only The Beginning